Roblox Says I Need To Download

Use Click here to play it! You don't need to download! And thousands of other assets to build an immersive game or experience. Select from a wide range of models. Lenovo g585 network controller driver. And apologize to hear that the Roblox not working well with Windows 10. From your description it seems to be compatibility issue, which I can't confirm, so we'd better seek help at the game side for this issue. If you did a clean install of Windows 10, then you may need to format the drive and do a clean install of Windows 8.1. I want to play a game and roblox keeps telling me to download after I downloaded it like 10 times. Trying to download multiple pics with kies but it keeps telling me i need to download java. Java is already on my system? When i try to download a video onto my s3. It says it cannot finish download. There is not enough space.

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You are all overreacting about this game.

My son has played this game since 2012, and I've played a lot with him. I do admit I've played some on my own time, as well. Only recently have I started hearing these articles about overreacting parents saying this game is toxic. Now some things I agree on, such as the moderation system not all that great. But ROBLOX is a great online game. It can let children use their imagination to build anything they want, and it offers older users the ability to use their hard work and skills to make some cash. These articles coming out about how the game and it's players are all toxic annoy me very much. I can tell you that out of the time I've spend playing the game with my son, I have RARELY ever seen anyone doing anything inappropriate. Players like what these overreacting parents think make up an extreme minority of the community, and the moderation teams do try their best to take care of them (though I do believe they could do more). Sometimes these aren't even real people, they're BOTS, accounts created to send messages to random people, and they do get taken care of, believe me. My son has even been complaining recently about it, because these overreacting parents are starting to restrict some of the BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE GAME, such as being allowed to properly have a conversation. Random words are being censored that in no way would harm anybody. Also, it's like these other parents don't realize there are features that lets you disable communications with your child's account COMPLETELY.So, this game is actually very good. There aren't any other ones like it. It's unique and generally has a good community. Toxic players make up a very tiny minority and are dealt with. There is no reason for parents to be overreacting like they are.

Jun 20, 2018 - Sometimes Roblox gets issues which need urgent attention. EXPERT TIP: Download this tool to fix PC issues & make it fast.

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Waring to parents - abuse not handled well by moderators

Parents be warned - the moderation on this site is less than fair. My son reported an abuse and he was reprimanded as if he were at fault. Then I complained to the only email address I could find for contacting them (I happened to see the abuse) and my kid's account was then banned for 3 days for violating the TOS (although when you read the TOS it does not state this as an offence). So he is victimized both ways, thank you. Great lesson for kids by the people at Roblox.The language used by the gamers is less than desirable and poorly moderated, the focus of the games are generally violent which is inappropriate for the younger crowd. Roblox loads software to your computer which I have found to be invasive and interferes with my loaded programs. Uninstalling is not a clean process either. All in all, try a free account and then spend your money on at home video games for family and friends.

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User-created Clusterfluff (to put it nicely)

This is from an older sister and a fan of videogames. I've played the game myself, and I understand how the moderation works there. This is a game with poor quality and a poor community. It is a clusterfluff (a whirlwind, and dogpile) of both perfectly fine and downright disgusting content. Most areas in ROBLOX are user-created, meaning that there will always, always be pornographic content, cursing, and violence that the moderators just can't catch as fast as it is put up. Although there are many children online, there are just as many teens and 20-somethings you try to break the rules in order to mess with people and younger or inexperienced players. It's not safe for anyone under 12, and it's not a game that has any positive potential for 12 and up, either. My recommendation: there are plenty of other games that are more appropriate for kids out there. Minecraft (only if you know about computers and can safely teach kids how to AVOID the multiplayer component) is a good replacement. Or any console games that don't allow kids to connect online. Safety first! A good rule of thumb: If they can get on the internet through the game, it is unsafe. Always. Only kids who are taught internet safety, over 13 years of age, and are quite responsible should be messing with others online. It's not a question of how 'good' your kid is, the game's issue is really a question of a lack of control of what others will do to your kid.

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Inappropriate Content

I have been on the fence about this website until today. Today, I blocked the website from my son's computer and uninstalled it from his iPad. A hacker replaced kitten wall paper in a game with anime porn. Because of this I would say it is not safe for children.

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You parents don't understand.

You can create your own games in studio, its not like the site owners create millions of games including sex related content. Of course these games are possible to make and pretty easy, if you review the game first to tell if it has any nudity or violence your family is against then boom solved the problem. Also make sure you enable under 13 mode (Even though it blocks swear words anyway), this is a great platform for your children to play, create and put their imagination into perspective.

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ROBLOX is a bad influence.

When my 9-year-old son found out about ROBLOX on Google around a year ago he insisted I allow him to play it, so I helped him sign up to create an account and I wasn't rather keen on it when I saw it at first, but I let him play it anyway. After a week or two, he asked me if he could buy 1,000 'robucks' with my debit card as well as 'Builder's Club'. I was entirely oblivious to the idea of this but I went along with it anyway. He said that everybody else had tons of money and hats to show off, which made me rather curious as to how he was being treated by other players. I went on my own computer to sign up for the game and once online I visited the games page. I noticed most of the games were family or relationship-oriented, hence the game titles 'ROBLOX High School,' 'Adopt and Raise a Cute Baby,' 'Adopt and Raise a Kid.' Most of the other games just simply had pictures of topless LEGO men, girls and boys together or guns/violence. I warned him to not play games which were violent and he didn't, but three weeks later a strange man came to our house who I didn't know and asked if he could see my son, but I told him to go away. I have kept my child off ROBLOX from then and added it to our blocked website list. I'm appalled that the moderators of the website have done nothing about this, and I would certainly never recommend to any parent to allow their child to play the game.

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Dear parents,There is a game called Roblox that lots of children are playing. It seemed innocent enough at first, but I assure you it is not suitable for Children. They have a lovely page for parents that tells them it is. There doesn't even seem to be an admin or anything in charge and the cyber bulling is out of control there. When trying to even find someone to complain to, I was bombarded with messages like 'die soccer mom'. if you have a child playing this game I suggest you remove them from it.

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Not safe for children

Allowed daughter to sign up based on Common Sense review that it was safe for kids. If I could do it over, I would never have allowed it. She was subjected to sexual comments and ended up deleting the app herself. Lesson learned.

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I STRONGLY CAUTION parents against this game!

First of all, They make this game VERY difficult to properly administrate!Roblox is addictive. I have 7 kids 6 of which would play it over anything else offered. It has games that would work for older and younger ages and lets them be creative.But I must STRONGLY caution parents on this. First of all you should know you cannot cancel accounts. If you pay for Builder's Club- you can cancel your PAYED features.. but the account is still there to 'go back to'. In their FAQ's they state: 'If there is no Builder's Club subscription associated with an account, then there is nothing that you will need to cancel. Users can stop using their free accounts at anytime. The account will simply remain inactive until you're ready to play ROBLOX again.'So if your child decides to sneak onto it- all you can do is message support and try to get it closed somehow. I have not yet been successful. You also cannot disconnect emails from the account. Second of all- Parental controls are a joke. You MUST have whatever password they chose when they created the account and connect it to yours (and you do not have to attach an email to play), so you can have an account you cannot administrate very easily. The only thing you can do is see when they logged in the current area (non clickable) they are playing in, see the number of messages in their mailbox and the number of friends etc and set if their chat is safe or full featured. You cant see or read their mails or manage their password, etc. The chat features and/or disconnecting them from your account are the only options you can control. I find this unacceptable for as much as they claim to be a parent administered game that is safe for kids.My 12 yr old daughter started an alias account for herself and I found out she was being inappropriate because she left herself logged in. Im still trying to figure out how to cancel the account, so far I can't.

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Shocked at the sex talk

An 11 year old I know was propositioned on here, she said no and her online Roblox character was picked up and thrown into the bed..can I call this online rape? A different day she was in the hotel and some roblox guy appeared in her shower. When I found this out, the account was canceled. When I watched her play, I saw the fun games and cute clothing contests, but because she wanted to play all of the time all of these new layers of the game were revealed. The character who 'raped' her character also used other language with her in the chat box that made it seem like he was a lot older than she was. Creepy. Parents be on guard.

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It's a learning experience- If your kids can handle it.

There are pros and cons to this site. First of all, if you're thinking since it downloads software it downloads malware, you're wrong. It's a safe download, and if you have any trouble downloading there's plenty of help to be found. As for the benefits of this site, it's a very good learning experience for your children. They learn about business and buying/selling, they learn how to create games with the easy to find and very detailed game creation tutorials and scripting tutorials, putting them on the path to learning programming languages (The one used in this site is called ROBLOX Lua, it's excellent), and they learn about how to keep and stick to a budget. There's the option to upgrade your account to Builder's Club, and there are plenty of features to be used with this. However, the site also has some flaws. It's very easy for younger children to end up on phishing sites from bot-accounts made by the owners of those sites. Before allowing your child to make an account, make sure they are aware of web-safety and how to keep their account from being stolen. If your child is educated on web safety (Which they should be educated on before being allowed to browse the internet), there are no concerns.

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Just too much violence and drugs, etc

This site was a great site back when it started from 2007-2009 and some of 2010, but after that, violence, sex, swearing, exploiters, scams, consumerism, drugs, smoking, drugs and many other things appeared on the site and moderators seemed to become a lot more in-active and abusive to the site. If you try to report somebody that did something wrong, they'll ban you instead for false reporting. I was watching my kid play Roblox once and they joined a game called 'Boys and Girls Hangout', which was filled with online dating, swearing, bullying, sex, smoking, drugs and consumerism. Also, keep aware that the ads for people that do not have Builders Club, a paid membership that is stupid expensive, will have ads and pop-ups that lead to different sites instead of groups or other games on the site, which groups are even worse due to the fact that other people can join them and then the people that joined the group become even more corrupt and then they start bullying and swearing etc. It just isn't appropriate for people under 16. Porn is also a problem. Just keep your child away from this game, and do not allow them on the site. If you can, add it to your router's blocked website list. Just don't bother for it. Also, this site is a virus, I found ad-ware and many other viruses on my laptop after downloading, and had to run my anti-malware bytes to get rid of it. However, it can be a little educational because ROBLOX Studio can teach your kids to program with Lua, but Lua can create blood and gore, all of the user-generated content is also a problem. There are things called 'models' and they can be created within ROBLOX Studio and include sex, alcohol, etc. It can also teach your children to build virtually, but also when I heard from my childs' school counselor that he was constantly harassing his friends, swearing, not paying attention in class, getting worse grades, not cooperating, bullying, etc, I talked to my child about it and he said ROBLOX includes all of these things that might bring good things to life, which in this case didn't, and really just corrupted my child which I do not appreciate. Stay away from this site at all costs.

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Everybody should play it.

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I like the false reviews and slander.

ROBLOX. Has been a child-friendly game since it was released in 2006.People are falsely reviewing the game saying their child was sent pornographic images or some website popped up. Listen, ROBLOX doesn't allow images to be sent through chats and they have a character limit of 150 in messages. A website would only pop up if your child clicked on them through another user sending a bypassed link. And no the sex or swearing or drugs, drinking, etc. has absolutely nothing to do with ROBLOX at all. Some people think they're funny by releasing a game on the site with those kinds of things. ROBLOX is fast to ban and so is the community. If the game's thumbnail is bad it won't be shown. If the title of the game is bad it will be censored into '[Content Deleted]' along with the description. Sometimes that user can have their account terminated or banned. ROBLOX is overall kid-friendly and all of the other reviews slandering ROBLOX are false. Those news websites that post something and don't allow you to comment on them or blogs. They can be determined as false. Don't listen to what people say on here or anywhere else. The game is for 8-year-olds to 16-year-olds. It's not full of pedophiles or anything not suitable for children.This review is legitimate.

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My daughter plays ROBLOX all the time. I decided, as her parent to look into it. I found that it is free unless you want a membership. If your child is interested in programming, then you have hit the jackpot. IN this game, you can create games for others to play and play games others created. I highly recommend you have your child play ROBLOX

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Parents should monitor their kids, but know that the staff works well to keep the game clean

ROBLOX is a very educational game and inspires kids to learn. Moderators do a good job of monitoring the site and generally keep it safe. Violence is frequently seen in games, considering that this is the type of audience that the game caters to. Privacy is only an issue if kids are not taught to be safe. In many instances, people have complained that their kids are not safe because users try to get personal information from people. Although this does not often happened, and is exaggerated by parents, the fact may be their fault because they are leaving their kids uneducated; this is probably the main reason that privacy is an issue. Another complaint that many parents had was the online dating factor. The site does NOT support online dating, and will take moderation actions on kids that pretend to have 'girlfriends' or 'boyfriends.' Language is not an issue at all. In game chat filters, as well as over the website, there are filters that filter any language besides the minor 'hell' that players might try to shout out. Disguising of language to try to bypass filters is looked for by moderators, and is most always found and punished. The final issue is consumerism. This is probably the most major issue on Roblox. There are MANY ads that link to different companies which are place in banners and rectangles all over the site. Parents should know that users can also create their own ads to solicit items that they have created which feature images and captions (which are both moderated). Also, ROBLOX has recently been showing video ads for different companies before users enter a place (these companies are generally ones such as insurance, phone carriers, car companies, and etc. that advertise). Although Roblox does have its flaws, it is mostly a friendly game that encourages children to build and program. Issues are only minor issues that can be found in a game as friendly as Disney's Club Penguin, but are over-exaggerated often. ROBLOX is probably best for kids in their early teens and up.

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I Want To Download Roblox

love it

i love roblox i have obc and it is fine and good to play

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roblox is bad go elsewhere

iv`e played roblox for 2 years and its full of account hackers and game hackers and roblox does nothing to stop all the abuse on the site and a better articall needs to be published about its lack of programming and how unsafe the site is.

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Alot of players curse and sometimes they act sex act and theres war and hacks that can really mess up your computer dont let your kid play and also the mods dont do anything about the reports they only do it for the money.

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Can I Download Roblox Free

Welcome to the world’s largest social platform for play. Every month, over 56 million players come to Roblox to imagine, build, and play together within immersive 3D worlds created by gamers just like you! Already have an account? Log in with your existing Roblox account and play now!THOUSANDS OF USER-GENERATED GAMESEverything in Roblox is user-generated. Players can create the ultimate theme park, compete as a professional race car driver, star in a fashion show, become a superhero, or simply build a dream home and hang out with friends. In this safe and moderated environment, imagination rules supreme.MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER GAMINGCustomize your avatar with a set of exclusive costumes only available on Xbox One, then hang out with your friends and millions of other virtual explorers in an infinite variety of games and experiences!CHAT WITH FRIENDSConnect with your friends online by chatting with them via Xbox Live’s integrated voice chat or party chat. An active Xbox Live Gold subscription is required.FREE-TO-PLAYRoblox is free to play, but players can also use real money to purchase Robux (our virtual currency) to spend on in-game upgrades or accessories for their avatar.CREATE YOUR OWN GAMES FOR FREE: POLICY:’S GUIDE: NOTE: Xbox Live Gold and an internet connection of 192 Kbps or higher required to play.THE ROBLOX GAME RATING APPLIES ONLY TO THE ROBLOX APP, NOT TO ANY USER GENERATED CONTENT INCLUDED WITHIN THE APP, WHICH IS UNRATED.

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