Ps4 Download Stuck At 10

I've always noticed my Playstation products seem to have a significantly slower DL speed than my Xbox and especially my PC, but at least on PS3 I could generally download a gig in 20 or so minutes. Despite my supposed 20mb/sec DL speed, here on the PSN trying to cross download Flower at this rate will literally take 2 days. I started the download 20 minutes ago and I'm at 12mb downloaded. I'm not sure what's going on, as just Downloaded the 300 mb system update in about 5 minutes, so i know it's not my connection -- but anything from the store is moving at an unbearably slow rate. Anyone else have this problem? What's the fix, because this is ridiculous. I have no physical games for the system yet as nothing looked too interesting at launch, but I can't even download the free to play titles. Please don't tell me fast PS4 DL speed is directly related to my buying PS+?

  1. Ps4 Download Stuck At 10 Hours
  2. Ps4 Download Stuck At 10 0

A lot of players are reporting that on their PS4 systems they have a Copying Game screen that takes forever to finish. Preorder it last week as soon as 12AM hit the day it dropped I started the download. 2 days later still stuck on copying game. Lol wow never again. I don’t even want to play it if I had the disk I would’ve sold it for a. The solution is to delete the game completely from your PS4, and start the download again. Once the PS4 adds the ' update file ' to your download list, stop the download by deleting the update file. Let the other file download and install.

Posted by2 years ago
  • From reading up I was told to download the 1.04 update and delete then reinstall GTA V back on to my harddrive. I have been trying to reinstall it back onto my harddrive but it stays at 0% for the whole time I leave it on until i give up and play another game.
  • Mar 22, 2017 - So here is the problem i am trying to download Mass Effect for past 3 days but the download keep stucking at 99+ hrs it starts fast then after say 10 mins. Notice it was again stuck at 99+hrs not even a 1GB was downloaded.
  • If the download speed is 8 mbps, one can theoretically download with 1 mb/s, that however depends on the server you are downloading from, your isp's limitatios, etc. Jamejame Member Since.

Forbes Staff Share to facebook. And even trying to let all downloads progress while the PS4 is in Rest Mode. Nothing ever worked. If you fall into the camp I've been stuck in for years.


PS4 99+ Hours Downloading Solution

Don't really know if this is the place for this kind of post, but I figured out a solution to the stuck at 10% download preparation and 99+ hours download time.

Basic rundown of what was happening to us:

Ps4 download stuck at 10 years

Our download and update for Battlefront was taking a very long time (7+ hrs) so my brother tried to change our Network settings, specifically the DNS (Domain Name Server). After that it shot up to 99+ hours and would sometimes get stuck at a 10% preparation for download when we retried it.

Here's what we did:

  1. Deleted the download content of the game with 99+ hours remaining (by going to the game in the main PS4 menu and pressing the 'option' button while over the game to bring up a smaller side menu and then 'delete'. You can also delete it by going up on the d-pad and to 'Notifications' then find the 'Downloads' tab and delete the game that was downloading).

  2. Restarted our Wi-fi by unplugging it from its power supply.

  3. Plugged it back in after about a minute.

  4. Went to the 'Network' tab under settings and then 'Set up Connection'

  5. Selected the custom setup. I used our home wifi (once it came back up). Later I'll post a exactly what we did, but put in all the info for custom setup as normal, except for DNS. We used the OpenDNS addresses.

Ps4 Download Stuck At 10 Hours


Primary Secondary

6. This step may be optional, I'm not sure. The main game we were having the 99+ hrs with was Battlefront. We also needed to download another game, so we put the other game in and tried downloading it and it worked like a charm. Then we paused that download (by going into the 'Notifications' and the 'Downloads' menu) and put Battlefront in. It started downloading almost immediately.

We started at 7 hours, went up to 99 hours, and the unbelievable thing is that, using this process, the download time was cut down to just 3 hours.

Hope this helps some of you guys out there. It may be a bit complicated of a process but it worked beautifully.

If there is a better place to post this on reddit, someone please let me know. I apologize if I am not in the right sub for this.

I suggest that anyone having trouble with this issue research Domain Name Servers a little bit to gain a better understanding of what they do and how they function. It could help you with your problem.

Thanks all! Hope this helps!

Ps4 Download Stuck At 10 0

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