Currently Unable To Download Android

When you get an Android smartphone expect it to get several software updates. These updates not only make the phone perform better but also fix certain bugs that may be present on its current software version. The #Samsung #Galaxy #S5 is one such smartphone that constantly gets updates. First released running on Android KitKat, it has now been upgraded to Android Lollipop.

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Currently Unable To Download Android

There are however instances when despite the update being available the device can’t seem to get it. This is what we will concentrate on today as we aim to resolve the Galaxy S5 unable to download the updated software issue & other related problems. We have selected several issues of this nature that have been sent to us and have provided the best troubleshooting steps below.

If you own a Samsung Galaxy S5 or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form. We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do contact us try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.

If you would like to browse the previous parts in this series then check out this link.

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S5 Unable To Download The Updated Software

Problem:I am attempting to update to 5.1.1 or higher but I have tried three times and each time it said there was an error and was unable to download the updated software.

Solution: There are several factors to consider before you are able to download the official software update for your phone. First, the phone must not be rooted. If it is rooted then you won’t get the update. Second, the phone must still be running in its stock software. If you installed a different software in your device (e.g. CyanogenMod) then you won’t get the update as well.

If your phone is not rooted and it is still running on its original software then follow the troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Try clearing the cached data of your phone. To do this go to Settings > Storage > Cached data > Clear Cached data. Once this is done check if you can now get the update.
  • Wipe the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode. This clears the temporary data of your device. Check if you can now update your phone.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset. By doing this you bring your phone back to its original condition and free up internal storage space ( the update requires around 4GB to 7GB of free space).

If the above troubleshooting steps fail to resolve the issue then I suggest you have the update manually installed at an AT&T Device Support Center or Best Buy location.


S5 Update Fails To Install

Problem:It says there is an update. It goes through the whole download. Then says it needs to restart. It installs to 1% then says update fails. Phone turns on and says it was unable to update. Phone is in wifi and plugged into charger the whole time. Have tried multiple times. Same outcome

Solution: Since you are able to download the software update but are unable to install it then there is a chance that the issue is caused by lack of internal storage space. This is because the update is usually downloaded in its compressed state. Once it is fully downloaded in your device it will be uncompressed. If there isn’t enough space available then the installation will fail.

Try to check if your phone has around 7GB of internal storage space available. To make more space I suggest you clear the cache first. This can be done by going to Settings > Storage > Cached data > Clear Cached data. You should also wipe the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.

If you have already 7GB of storage space available and the update still fails to update then I suggest you backup your phone data then do a factory reset. Once the reset is done download the update again then wait for it to finish installing.

S5 Stuck In Optimizing Apps After Software Update

Problem:I attempted to install the new system update. It looked like it was working, then it restarted my phone and came up with ‘Android is starting…optimising app 1 of 203’ it gets to about 9 then freezes and then it restarts my phone and does the same thing. It does this continually. I cant access anything on my phone. Please can someone provide some assistance?

Solution: This sometimes happens when some glitch occurs during the update process. Have you made a backup of your phone data? If you have then you can proceed with starting your phone in recovery mode then do a factory reset. If you have not made a backup of your phone data then try wiping the cache partition of your phone first from the recovery mode.

Another factor that you should not overlook is that the microSD card could be causing this problem. If the above steps fail then try removing the microSD card of your phone ( if one is installed) then check if the issue still occurs.

Currently Unable To Send Message

S5 Unable To Update Due To Server Network Error

Problem:Everytime i go to update my phone i keep getting the same message saying unable to update due to server or network error. I bought this phone off ebay and it has an app on it called king root so im wondering if its anything to do with that.Im sure i read somewhere if its rooted it wont work? I managed to update the last update. please help thanks alot.

Solution: The presence of KingRoot in your phone could mean that the device has been rooted since this app is used to root a device. Since you also mentioned that the phone previously got a software update then it is best to check the root status of your device first. Head out over to the Google Play Store then download any of the popular root checker apps available. Check if the phone is rooted.


If your phone is rooted then this is the reason why you are unable to update your phone software. You need to unroot your phone or flash the updated software to your phone.

Unable To Download App

If the phone is not rooted ( there’s a chance that it isn’t since you were able to get the last update) then the problem could be connection related? Try getting the update using a different Wi-Fi network. If the problem still occurs then connect your phone using a USB cord to a computer with Kies or Smart Switch installed then do the update from here.

S5 Update Could Not Be Installed At This Time

Problem:I am able to download the latest update, but when it goes to install, it says “install failed” or “install could not be completed at this time”. I have cleaned up my phone; remove unneeded apps, moved all the apps I could to my sd card, moved all files and downloads that I could to my sdcard, freed up plenty of memory. Not sure what else I could do to make it install.

Solution: Since you are able to download the software update the problem could be caused by insufficient internal storage space ( at least 7GB is needed) or a glitch in the phone software. To resolve this issue I would suggest you try wiping the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode first. If this fails to resolve the problem then proceed with a factory reset. Make sure to backup your phone data before doing the reset. Once the reset is done, download the update again then install it.

Currently Unable To Download Message

S5 Does Not Update

Problem:Hi, I have my galaxy s5 for over a year and a half now and I heard that android 5.1.1 was out for some phones. Even 5.0.2 was out, but my phone doesn’t detect any new updates. I tried connecting to kies, but my current software is the latest it says. My baseband version is G900FXXU1POJ1 and my build number is LRX21T.G900FXXU1POK5. Hope you can help me and hope to hear from you soon!

Solution: Is your phone rooted or running on a custom firmware? If it is then it won’t be able to get the update. Another factor that could cause this problem is that if this is an unlocked phone that is not running on its original network.

If this phone is not rooted, not running on a custom firmware, and is still used in its original network then I suggest you backup your phone data then do a factory reset. Once the reset is complete check for the update again. If no updates are available then you should consider manually flashing the updated stock firmware to your phone. Instructions on how to perform this procedure can be found at several of the popular Android forums online.

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Many, including myself, were shocked to learn that the OnePlus 5T isn’t currently unable to stream HD content from video services like Google Play Movies, Netflix, and Amazon Video. You may have noticed similar problems when trying to watch videos on the highest quality settings from these services on desktop monitors or laptops, and possibly even a few other smartphones.

The reason for the lockout is that these services are protected by digital rights management (DRM), to prevent the copying and unauthorised redistribution of these video files. To trust that Android smartphone and many other devices are secure from piracy, these popular streaming services make use of Google’s Widevine DRM platform. As one of the industry’s oldest DRM services, it’s estimated to be installed on some 4 billion devices around the world.

Here’s what you need to know about Widevine and how it works.

How does Widevine work?

Widevine implements a selection of industry standards to protect content as it’s transferred over the internet and played back on devices. For a quick overview, it makes use of a combination of CENC encryption, licensing key exchange, and adaptive streaming quality to manage and send video to users. The idea is to simplify the amount of work on the service provider’s end, by supporting multiple levels of streaming quality based on the security capabilities of the receiving device.

To achieve this, Widevine protects content across three levels of security, simply named L3, L2, and L1. Your device will need to be certified to meet the full L1 specification if you want to stream HD content from services like Netflix.

ARM TrustZone technology within Cortex-A based application processors is commonly used to run trusted boot and a trusted OS to create a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), which separates DRM and other processes from potentially exploitable applications.

To meet security Level 1, all content processing, cryptography, and control must be performed within the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) of the device’s processor, to prevent external tampering and copying of the media file. All ARM Cortex-A processors implement TrustZone technology, creating a hardware separation that allows a trusted OS (such as Android) to create a TEE for DRM, and other secure applications.

Security Level 2 only requires that cryptography but not video processing be carried out inside the TEE. L3 applies either when the device doesn’t have a TEE or when processing is done outside of it. However, appropriate measures must still be taken to protect cryptography within the host operating system.

How Widevine is implemented

Android devices support either L1 or L3 security levels, depending on hardware and software implementations, as does Chrome OS. Chrome on desktops will only ever support L3 at maximum. If your device is only L3 compliant, you’re capped at sub-HD resolutions. Only L1 secure devices with processing taking place entirely in the TEE can play back HD or higher quality content from Widevine secured services.

Perhaps one of the most important points to note about Widevine is that it doesn’t charge a license fee in order to implement its protection technology. So there’s no financial reason why smartphones like the OnePlus 5T are missing out.

Widevine doesn't charge a license fee. Instead, hardware manufacturers only need to pass a certification process.

Instead, hardware manufacturers only need to pass a certification process. This includes the completion of various legal agreements, implementation of some software libraries, and client integration testing to verify support, among other steps. Apparently this process is designed to be streamlined for easy adoption, and all chipsets used for Android smartphones support the necessarily technologies, so it’s only likely that manufacturer oversight or lack of testing time is to blame if smartphones aren’t compatible.

Fortunately, it seems that it’s possible for smartphone OEMs to address any lack of compliance after release. OnePlus has promised that it will enable HD streaming from services like Netflix with an upcoming software update for the 5T.

Android Currently Unable To Download Try Later

Can my device stream HD content?

Unfortunately, you won’t find information about DRM conformity on many specification sheets, so knowing before purchasing a new phone is difficult. Most smartphones, especially in the flagship tier, will allow for HD streaming from Widevine powered services, even if the smartphone is a few generations old. Technically, all Android smartphones can support L1 Widevine security, but implementation mileage may vary with lower cost smartphones that may skimp on testing times.

If you want to check that your particular handset is compatible with Winevine, along with other popular DRM services, you can check out your smartphone’s level of support with apps like DRM Info, which is free to download from the Play Store. Simply scroll down to the Google Widevine DRM section and check what Security Level your device supports, just like in the image above.

If you’ve had problems streaming HD content from Netflix or Amazon Video, let us know in the comments below.

Currently Unable To Download Android Phone

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